Friday, April 26, 2013

Lets Be Biblical

Jesus literally gave up His life to be tortured and tormented for the sins of the that those who He payed for could be “made the righteousness of God”(2cor 5:21)  and “made holy and pure.”(1cor 1:30). Those who He poured out His blood and “forever completely cleansed and perfected.”(heb 10:14) Those who He now calls a “royal priests,a holy nation, God’s very own possession” (peter 2:9).
Then why is it that we as christians insisted on calling ourselves sinners and calling each other something different than scripture declares us to be. 
When we refer to those who have been purchased with precious blood, sinners. We undermine the work accomplished through the pouring out of our saviors blood.

Actions do not define Identity

Through out history there have been a number of children found who had been abandon or raised in the wild. One naked feral child when examined in the early 1800s was said to be “close to the state of a wild animal.” Others stories have been told of these wild children barking, some growling and all together acting like animals

This child is an animal.......


He is a child!

These children found are humans that are acting like animals. No reasonable person would look at this child or children and say, “They are animals” and mean it in the literal sense. Who they are isn’t found in their actions, but it is found in their make up.

In much the same way our identity in Christ is not based off our actions. Our identity is based off of our union with Christ. Which is why the bible is full of statement of being"in Christ."

Scripture declares that when we believed we got translated into an entirely new kingdom(Col 1:13). A Kingdom of love and light.  It states we have been reborn(1 Pet 1:23), and made new creations in Christ(2 Cor 5:17). That we are "holy and beloved"(Col 3:12). Romans 6 says have been “set free from the power of sin” and also states are dead to sin...... yet we call those people sinners. We link an action to who they are........
My question to Christians is why?
Well the bible calls us sinner doesn’t it?

Lets take a look at the Corinthian church, the church with the sin issues. Surely Paul puts them in their place and calls them sinners or at least the person engaging in sin, right?

Nope, in fact the word that is commonly translated sinner......isn't even once written in 1 Corinthians or 2 Corinthians. 

If not sinners what does Paul call them or refer to them as?

Here are just a few things Paul calls those in Corinth;

“His own holy people. He made you holy by means of Christ Jesus” 1:2

“Christ made us right with God; he made us pure and holy, and he freed us from sin.” 1:30
“temple of God” 3:16
“temple of the Holy Spirit” 6:19
and are said, “to reign in God’s kingdom” 4:8
and that’s just a sampling……..
Lets uphold to biblical standards in our communion and communication with one another.
When reading the New Testament Biblical authors I see them using vastly different language than sinner in reference to those who Jesus has purchased.

Lets keep it biblical, speaking to one another with words seasoned with salt and imparting grace to the hearer. Instead of calling ourselves or others sinners here are some biblical alternative.

Saints(acts 26:10, Rom 8:27, 1 cor 6:1-2), Holy Brethren, Chosen People (1 pet 2:9), Holy People (Eph 5:5), Creative Work of God (eph2:10), Living Stones (1 pe 2:5), Royalty and Priests (1 pe 2:5, 2:9), Aroma of Christ (2 Co 2:15),  Sons of Light (Jn 12:35-36, 12:46, 1 thess 5:5) Heirs of God (rom 8:17, Gal 3:29, 4:7), called blameless (Eph 1:4,  Col 1:22) The Holy (eph 2:19-21, 5:3, 1 thess 3:13), Instruments for Noble Purposes (2 ti 2:21), Obedient children (1 pe 1:13-16),  Soldiers (2 tim 2:3-4) and Ambassadors of Christ ( 2 co 5:20). 

And again this is just a sampling of what we are called as Believers. 

You are a saint!!!

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