? Grim Reaper = Savior ?
If freedom from sin is only accomplished in
death, then Jesus did a poor job of saving.
If it's true that only after death we can be
completely free from sin, wouldn't that make death our deliverance and the grim reaper our savior?
Who is your Savior?
Death/Mr. Reaper?
or Jesus?
no longer have a nature that is stuck in, or even prone to sin (Col 2:11,
Rom 6,
Understanding this is paramount to walking and “reigning in life over sin”(Rom
this understanding, you will literally sin by faith.
faith in your sinfulness will produce exactly what you believe for. A thought
(a seed) always produces after its kind. Or as Jesus puts it "as you think
in your heart so are you."
is made up of who we are and whom we believe ourselves to be, which always
precedes our actions.
the past blogs, we have established the tremendous effect that our thoughts and
beliefs about who God is and who we see ourselves to be can have on our
reality, our feelings, and our lives. (Have you reading “Taking Out The
Fight?” Click Here)
dead to sin and alive to God (Rom 6:11).
is faithful and always provides a way out for you (1 Cor 10:13).
you walk in the Spirit, you won’t gratify selfish desires (Gal 5:16).
we are submitted to God, it causes a fleeing effect on our enemy (James 4:7).
only are you able to through Him, but also you are blessed when you are
steadfast and receive a reward from Him (James 1:12).
you belong to Christ, you have already died to the sinful desires once lurking
in your members (Gal 5:24).
actually prevents and keeps you from stumbling through His ability (Jude
What freedom isn’t
doesn’t mean you won’t ever make mistakes. We don’t expect a baby not to poop
in their pants, but we do expect a child in middle school not to. Let's remove
the crutch that empowers sin. It’s a travesty to the work of the cross to
think you can’t help but sin.
Jesus sacrifice wasn’t too weak to deliver.
does it mean to be free from sin?
one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed
remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God.”- 1
john 3:9

we are free from sin, as Romans 6 and other passages state, that means we are
free to not sin. We do not have to. God has given complete
provision not to.
is so sure of this that not only does he state, “Those who are born of God will
not remain in sin” but also in 1 John 2:1, “My dear children, I am writing this
to you so that you will not sin.” Following that statement with, “but if you
do, we have an Advocate.”
me, this sounds like the normal Christian life is meant to reign above sin,
which is seen in Romans 6:12, “Do not LET sin…” To let or allow, you must have
a choice. You are not hopelessly bound to sinning.
you believe to be true, even when untrue, has the ability to confirm itself.
What you do and even feel is directly connected to what you believe. When we
believe in what is true, we partner with God to reshape and mold our
experience, which brings about victory.”- Taking Out the Fight
live a life of freedom and victory over sin, we must first have our minds
renewed to our empowerment not only just to choose, but our predisposition to
choose correctly. “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the
power to do what pleases him.” – Phil 2:13
would encourage you to search out some of the passages that I referenced and
let the Holy Spirit reveal these truths to you. There is so much liberty when
we realize that Jesus actually really did set us free from sin. That whom the
Son has set free is free indeed.
If this blog was beneficial to you share it with someone....For Christ sake....let bring freedom to by letting them see truth. "You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free."
If this blog was beneficial to you share it with someone....For Christ sake....let bring freedom to by letting them see truth. "You shall know the truth and the truth will make you free."
If you liked this you may also like past blogs:
Taking the Fight Out of the Dog. Click HERE
How you see God is the difference between victory or defeat. Click HERE
Getting a new thought may just change your life. Click HERE
Receive and Rest Click HERE
Having faith filled prayer, revealing the YES in Gods heart toward you Click HERE
Scripture declares your qualified fully, want to see? Click HERE
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