Saturday, February 23, 2013

Rest and Receive

His grace is an empowering force that causes us to rise to places we never thought were possible. Grace is freely and abundantly given to those who are in Christ:

"For the sin of this one man, Adam caused death to rule over many. BUT EVEN GREATER is God's wonderful grace and His gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ"-Roman 5:17

Another translation says those who receive it will "reign in life." 

So basically as a Christian you are called to be a really great reciever. To learn to soak up and take in what God has freely opened. Faith isn't a difficult thing. It is meant to freely flows out of relationship when we realize who He is. 

Beloved, God has made provision for everything you need. He freely gives!
(If you have trouble believing that Click Here)

There is a place in Christ that we can dwell and be

“stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].” –Ps 91:1(Amp)

Where “our enemies and our foes” “they stumble and fall.”- Ps 27:3

Where “He hide me in His shelter; in the secret place of His tent He hide me”-Ps 27:5

So that

“When besieged, I’m calm as a baby. When all hell breaks loose, I’m collected and cool.”-Ps 27(mes)

Knowing that “But no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper”-Is 54:17

And God  is  serving is “a six-course dinner right in front of my enemies.”-Ps 23 (mes)


Let us enter into His rest through faith today!

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