Thursday, February 21, 2013

Taking the Fight Out

  "You can take the dog out of the fight, but you can't take the fight out of the dog."

This phrase is used in a number of different ways but, here, I am referring to the thought that people are prisoners to their past even if they have left the environment of what was. This does not have to be the case.

What you believe to be true, even when untrue, has the ability to confirm itself. This is the essence of why cognitive therapy is so effective. 

What you do and even feel is directly connected to what you believe. When we believe in what is true, we partner with God to reshape and mold our experience, which brings about victory.

 Freedom is first discovered in Christ, but it’s faith in truth that causes the freedom to become reality in our lives and souls (mind, will, and emotions).

“You will know the truth and the truth will make you free”- John 8:32

Up until the age of 14 years old, Eddie had raised himself. His parents were drug addicts but, at 14, a family adopted him. Eddie had a new life where all his needs would be met but, in his mind, he was still in the old place. He would eye the food intently and refill his plate when he thought it was going to run out. He even would hide food in napkins (Vallotton and Johnson).

Eddie’s experience had so colored his perception of what was real and true that, even when he was free, he couldn’t see it.

Out of the wilderness and into the Promise.
This same thing happened to the children of Israel in the wilderness. God had delivered them from bondage but, because they were still slaves in their mind, they never were able to enter into what God freely gave.

God had told them the land can be theirs, but their perception of themselves was too small so they refused to believe. "And we were in our sight as grasshoppers"- Numbers 33:33

 Instead of entering into the thing God had promised, they wandered in the wildness until such a time that faith came. Unfortunately, it would take another generation before that would happen.

Think again

Right believing causes right acting, where as wrong believing causes wrong acting. It is so important to allow truth to be our standard. Even if your current experience is contrary to what He says, truth is never based on experience. We should allow truth to shape our experience. We learn this from both cognitive therapy and more importantly the Bible. (Rom 12:2, Eph 4:23)

"No longer I who lives, but Christ who lives within me"
Do you see Christ in you?

 Let’s allow Kris the adopted father of Eddie to finish up this post:

“Eddie was always afraid he would not have enough. A poverty spirit usually leads paupers to develop a survival mentality. The fear of lack is based on lies and, until those lies are broken, people cannot recognize God's provision for their lives. 

When Eddie became part of our family, he had everything he needed and wanted. His old life was gone but, until he stopped believing those lies, he couldn’t relax and enjoy life with us. 

Thankfully, Eddie is now free from his old mindset. He has grown up to be an amazing young man and has graduated from college. We are very proud of him.”

Vallotton, Kris, and Bill Johnson. The Supernatural Ways of Royalty: Discovering Your Rights and Privileges of Being a Son or Daughter of God.

If this Blog has spoken to you or helped you in anyway, please pass it on to someone else. Let’s spread truth…for Christ’s sake.

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Introduction: The invitations to have heaven now! Click HERE

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