Sunday, February 24, 2013

Tapping Abundant Life

God has freely given everything, but with out our minds being renewed and coming into a place of agreement with Him in our thinking and believing, that richness of abundance that has been freely given is inaccessible.

An un-renewed mind is a mind not in alignment with God and it becomes a dam that hinders the flow of living water meant to flood our lives with everything He is.

So lets break the dam!

Natural parallel

 In comparison to modern oil drilling, early drills were slow and unable to tap the deep wells. Mass quantities of  “liquid gold” lay just below the surface. The abundance of wealth was literally there for the taking, but our limited technology at that time was ineffective in breaking thru to what lay beneath the surface. We needed an upgrade.

Same is true with our thinking. We need to be “renewed in the spirit of our minds.”(eph 4), to bring “every thought into obedience”(2 cor 10:5) with what has been given. 

We desperately need to encounter the One who is the Truth so that we may be set free from the smallness of our own thinking.

God has given

 2 Peter 1:3 tells us that, “His divine power has bestowed upon us all things that pertain to (or needed for) life and godliness.” Ephesians 1:3 declares that He has “blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing,” These are past tense, they are things that He has done.

Not only that, but we know from ps 34:10 that those who trust in Him are suppose to “lack no good thing.” The Lord doesn’t withhold any good things from us (ps84: 11). Instead, He gives us grace and glory so that we might be supplied “according to His riches in His glory”(phil 4:19)

God is not in question; the issue is not with God. It’s in our minds, our thinking and our beliefs. In much the same way that the issue wasn’t with the oil, but the drills used.

Scripture tells us “The carnal mind does not receive the things of the Spirit.” (1 cor 2:14). Romans 8 inform us, that our mindsets can actually be at enmity with God, opposed to Him.

So what’s the solution?

1Cor 2:10-12 gives us some answers. It says God has given you His spirit.
And what does His spirit do?
His Spirit will search out the deep and hidden things of God
AND reveal them to us so that “we can know the wonderful things God has freely given us.”  Additionally, in v16, He declares why, so that we might have "the mind of Christ.”

The blessing of His mind which produces His abundance in our souls, is found in humbling our way of thinking. We need to offer our rationale, our intellect, our questions and reasoning.  Present them as a sacrifice to God and He will meet us with His mind, His thoughts, and His wisdom.

We need an upgrade in our thinking, so we to might be able to tap the abundance of the life of Christ inside of ourselves.

Get a new thought, receive a new life..............Check out Taking out the fight to see how your thoughts may be hindering your life.

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