Sunday, April 21, 2013

Jesus the Mass Murder

The cross was the most brutal and largest mass killing the world has ever known. When Jesus went to the cross He killed every sinner that ever will be with one giant swoop. Jesus didn't just die for humanity, He died as humanity(2 Cor 5:14).

Jesus killed the you that was a sinner!

Made Righteous
When we make being a sinner about an action of ours, we miss out on a powerful truth of the Gospel. This truth is that we have been made righteous in a way similar to the way that we were made a sinner. We were made sinners by the act of another and we are made righteous by the irreversible act of Jesus.

"Because one person disobeyed God, many became sinners. BUT because one other person obeyed, many will be made righteous." - Rom 5:19

Just as you were once were in a prison of sin. You now are in a prison of righteousness. Put in a mansion of righteousness, made a slave to righteousness. You can’t sin your way out of it, because you didn’t do anything to get in it. It’s a gift according to Romans 5:17.
You are not a sinner

Depending on how you were raised you might think "how dare you! we are all sinners!!!"
But humor me for a second.............let me ask you something.
Why were you ever a sinner?
Because I sinned... right?, not exactly....actually not really at all.
In fact you sinned, because you were a sinner.
Huh? Isn’t that the same things?
No, actually it isn’t. If I jump in a pool and begin to swim am I a fish? How about a whale? A sea horse maybe?
Of course not! I am still a human and because I am a human, I can actually get out of the water and be completely fine. A fish on the other hand can’t do that. Fish are slaves to water. They can’t ever do anything about it, because by nature they are confined to the water.
The nature of something dictates what it does, but what something does, does not necessarily dictate what it is.
Taylor, you have a funny way of proving a point......I am not sure I am following?
Okay, well in Romans 7:17 it talks about sin being in you. Sin was apart of you, it was part of your nature much like the fish. Because it was your nature just like the fish you were confined to sin. Romans 5:6 states you were without strength, helpless powerless to save yourself.....much like a fish is when it comes to doing anything about living outside of water. Your confinement to sin by nature which is why you were designated a sinner.
But how did I get there? Isn't that what you are suppose to be answering?
Right, I think the answer is found in Romans 7: 14. It says you were, “sold under sin.”
If we read Romans 5 we see that we were sinners because of “one man’s offense many died”5:17 and “For by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners” 5:19
Yeah I learned that in bible school when I was like 8......I seriously read this whole blog for that?
But don’t you see we were never sinners because of something we did, but because of Adam. You were “by nature children of wrath” Ephesians says. You couldn't do anything about it much like a fish can’t do anything about being in water. It is subjected to and under the dominion and power of the water by its nature, but than Jesus killed the you that was a sinner! 

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live." - Gal 2:20

That old nature, the sinner no longer lives. So you once where a sinner, a slave of sin, "But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."- 1 Cor 6:11

Are you getting this?
This is great news! Because you are now no longer in Adam. You aren’t the old creation, the one who is stuck in the water with out hope. You now have been made a new creation that has lungs to breath outside of the water. You can always jump in the water if you so choose, but you are no more a sinner. It is not in your nature. It isn't who you are anymore. Jesus didn't just die for you, He died as you!!!! 
Now you are a Saint!

You no longer have a nature stuck in or even prone to sin(Col 2:11, Rom 6)
Did you miss the last blog? Freedom to refrain from sin in Christ CLICK HERE!

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